
We are a group of three friends: Mike, Pete and Angie and enjoy playing and singing together
for fun, and for others to enjoy.
Between us we play guitar, fiddle, mandolin, dulcimer, bouzouki, concertina and of course, voice!
We love English folk, and also some traditional songs and tunes from further afield, such as Brittany,
New England, Norway and Finland as well as other parts of the British Isles.
We also perform some of our own compositions.
Our first album 'Travels and Dreams' came out in 2014.
Angie brought out an album of her own songs at the start of 2015, called 'Imaginings'
'Making Waves' Our latest CD came out in 2018. All are available to buy -
please click OUR MUSIC for details.(stock is low).
With LOTS of new material since our last album, we think it is time to get some more recordings
down, especially our own compositions! Hopefully 2025 will be the year! Watch this space!!
If you would like to hear us perform, check our EVENTS page.
If you would like us to perform for you, or you have a function
coming up that requires a live (folky) Band, then please DO contact us via email or phone - (see below).
Our rates are modest!.